Russell plays guitar and writes his own music and plays covers for open mic nights. While I attended some of the open mics I was introduced to some of his various music friends. I probably met Sasha for the first time 4 months ago, maybe even 6. She sings while a friend of hers plays guitar. Anyway we became friendly acquatences and then about 2 months ago she invited me to a new group she created called Champagne Thursdays. It's where a couple girl friends get together, drink champagne, and talk about girly things (boys, nail polish, clothes, all the good stuff) every other Thursday. So I went for the first time not long after the invite and it was SO much fun. Most of the girls I've met here are so boring, I can't even express how they much talking to them bores me. They're all perfectly nice, and incredibly dull. I can't pinpoint it exactly, they're just boring. They are so boring, there is no other way I can express it because "boring" is simply the epitome of what they are. But the Champagne girls are fun, nice, interesting, and we just laugh our butts off.
Last night was the third Champagne Thursday and it was the BEST! They decided to have a clothes swap so everyone brought clothes they just don't like anymore and we were trying everything on, drinking champagne, talking shop and one of the girls who is married brought her adorable baby and he was just laughing and chilling with us. I brought 2 dresses my mom sent me (sorry mom but they didnt look good!) and a top that never fit quite right. I came away with a pair of heels, a pair of brand new running shoes (wrong size for her), 3 dresses (I may or may not wear one of them that is a little risque), a tank top, and a cap. Score! When I tried on a short dress I heard a cry of, "Oh my God! Your legs are INCREDIBLE!" and "you should NEVER wear pants!" Then someone from outside came in and said, "Wow you have really nice legs!" I know my legs are awesome (Thanks for the genes, Mom!) but I never get tired of hearing how beautiful they are! But the deal they made out of it was really big and I was blushing a lot. We ended up going out to a bar that had open mic where Russell was and I wore a new short dress and heels. When we saw Russell my friend Courtney said to him, "have you SEEN her legs?!" Of course he had, but he was still impressed. He decided to go onstage with his guitar and even sing a song for me.
What a self esteem boost last night was! I love ladies telling me I'm beautiful almost as much as I love hearing it from men. We stayed out till about 4:30am and I had to be at work at 9:30 but it was worth it.
I want to write more but I'm pretty tired.
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