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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

So I Missed a Month- Sue Me

Less than 2 months left and counting! It was been an interesting 10 months with lots of laughs but I am getting very homesick right about now. Also I've really been working my butt off with these kids and it's fun but can get exhausting. I will recap my past few weeks with pictures since they say a thousand words and I'm too lazy to actually say them. 

We had Chuseok which is some kind f Korean Thanksgiving. A 5 day weekend was nice and the kids came to school in hanbok (traditional Korean garb). We played a confusing game that involved throwing sticks and moving pieces on a board. I had no clue what the heck this game was and I don't think either team won. 
Go Luci- throw those sticks!

My youngest class. I know- they're adorable.

Russell and I took a holiday to Busan for one last weekend at the beach before the fall weather really kicked in. Since then it definitely has. The water was nice and warm and we had a hotel room with a nice view for 2 nights. It was really nice.

Our school also went on a trip to the fire station where Korean firemen spoke some Korean fire stuff to the students. I listened to my ipod. 

Pretty sure these kids are almost as bored as I am. Almost. 
Went to our friends house down south for an Iron Chef competition between our friends Ross and Justin. They were given a secret ingredient (cream cheese) and then had an hour to shop followed by an hour of cooking. We all even had score cards and gave the chefs our comments. Three categories: taste, originality and presentation. It was nerdy and awesome!

Russell judging the creamy pesto pasta as I still munch in the background.

Next weekend I am going up against the Iron Chef! I'm excited cause I can sorta cook. I think the fact that I can cook some veggies will be a nice change cause all we got last time was basically chicken and pasta. Cross your fingers for me!

This past saturday I went to Seoul for a bachelorette party for one of my best girlfriends here. She and her fiance met in Korea and have been dating for about a year and a half and just got engaged a few weeks ago. Russell and I are invited to the wedding but it's at the end of February in England so it looks like we might not be able to go. With any luck we'll have jobs... who knows what'll happen. Anyway there were about 8 girls and we all wore little black dresses and garter and the bride had a cute veil to wear all night. We played a game that involved getting the most points. Getting a guy to buy the bride a shot was 5 points, things like that. We got a suite that fit 5 of us in a bed to split room costs and stayed out till 4:30am. Very fun but I was beat after that. I honestly turned to one of my friends and said, "dude, I HATE partying. I want to be home in bed reading!" I'm not good at staying out late, I'm always the lame one who goes home early (early being about 2am when everyone else usually says out till about 5).

That's all for now. On thursday it's champagne night with the fun girls which I always look forward to. Then of course Saturday it's Iron Chef. 

TTFN- Ta Ta For Now!

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