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Monday, May 23, 2011

Good Weekend

This weekend was pretty fantastic. On Friday I got invited to a poker night at my friend Mike's place and it turned out to be me and 6 guys in the game. Guess who won? Oh yeah it was me!!! I won 30 bucks and it was a grand old time. I guess all those early mornings at the Tahoe house playing poker with the cousins while waiting for the Mom's to get up and make breakfast paid off. We went to a bar after (about 3am) and played some darts and I won at that too. I was kickin every guys ass all over the place. 

Saturday was very lazy and relaxing because it was rainy outside. It was a lovely book-reading afternoon. I started reading The Stand and of course it's great and quite the page turner. 

Yesterday Russell took me screen golfing because I've never been before. It was so fun! We played two games of nine holes. I did terribly, we both did, but it was really fun. They set you up with clubs (even lady clubs for me), gloves and shoes. Then you get to drink some beers and play at a relaxed place in your private room. There's 2 couches and you can order snacks and everything. 

After screen golfing we saw the new Pirates movie and had a lovely sushi dinner. It was a fabulous weekend.

Backing up now- a couple weeks ago I went with Russell to visit our friends in Busan for their Cinco De Mayo party. They made a pinata and had a BBQ and my favorite- beer pong! It was a beautiful day too.

The next day we went to a temple to check out the decorations for Buddha's birthday.  It was the weekend that I actually found out that Korea is, in fact, very pretty in the Spring. When I first got here at the beginning of Winter everything was grey and brown and just UGLY. I thought to myself, "Yikes. Well, okay then." But now that it's Spring it's all green everywhere and there are flowers, butterflies, birds singing- the whole deal. 

I'm kind of tired of writing and want to get back to The Stand. I'll update some other time soon. 

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