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Friday, April 15, 2011

Pics and Vids

Here's a video my friend Marisol put together from when we went to eat some octopus. We eat a couple tentacles while they're still squirming. My favorite part is before Mike puts a piece in his mouth the Korean lady is talking a lot and I say, "listen to the lady, Mike- she knows what she's talking about" and he replies, "what's she saying?!" and we all laugh cause it's not like any of us have any idea what she's talking about.
Here's me talking to my students in my youngest Kindergarten class. I love how John smells his pit.
I'm afraid one of my students might turn out to be a serial killer. He drew this when we were drawing pictures of our community:
It appears to be a building on fire and men in red helmets with guns. The student's name? Angel. As in Angel of Death.

Today we went to a park and the kindergartners learned about traffic safety. Then we had a picnic. It was a beautiful spring day and all around a nice day to be in Korea.
They got to drive cool go-carts and I was jealous. 

Me and my co-teacher Sonny with our Lily Class. 

My Daisy Class running out their energy. 
It was a good week :)

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