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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

So... This is the New Year

Sorry it's been so long. I've also spoken to many people on the phone over my break so I think most people who read this know what I did while on vacation. That is to say, nothing much. Took a trip to Busan with Erik from Seattle. It was alright. This country isn't super interesting and it's definitely not super pretty but being in a different place is always a good time. I climbed the mountain by my flat while it snowed which was just lovely!

It started out sunny but when I got to the top it was full-on snowing. I slipped and fell on my bum only one time and I'm very proud.

 By the time I got home I was completely covered in snow. I love snow! I miss NH!
 Here is a picture of my street that a lot of you insisted on seeing. I live above the Marlboro Bar. Pretty sweet, right?
 I got the care package from my family! Thank you all soooo much! I absolutely adore the travel candles (man, I really wanted those) and everything else. My Mom sent me two big activity/coloring books and when I looked at them I was first struck by the thought they were for me and then I read the note which said I could maybe use it for my kids. I was skeptical. But man, when I brought in coloring pages for my Kindergartners with My Little Ponies on them they went NUTS. Even Chris (the boy in the picture) said, "it's so cute!" Now they want to color them all the time and they even take them home! Usually they just throw coloring pages away. Also one of the other teachers has been photo-copying pages from it for the last two days and said, "tell your Mom she's a life-saver!" They were a huge unexpected hit. Here's a pic of one of my classes going to town on coloring the Ponies.

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